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Kale Immune Boost

, by Kaysie Butler


For a great superfood boost to your immune system, grab a bouquet of fresh garden kale.  With an ANDI score of 1000, kale is one of the most nutrient dense foods you can eat.  Packed full of micronutrients and phytochemicals, it also boasts a group of sulfur-containing compounds found uniquely in cruciferous vegetables: isothiocyanates.  These compounds are powerful immune boosters and have anti-cancer activity.  They even have anti-viral and anti-microbial effects in the body!  

It is when the plant's cell walls are broken, e.g. through blending or chopping, that the isothiocyanates form.   Thus, a morning green smoothie is a perfect way to maximise the nutritional benefits from kale.  You can also try massaging kale pieces with avocado and a splash of lemon for a lunchtime salad, or lightly steamed with a dash of salt for dinner.   Find a way to use some kale today... your body will love it!  

More information about ANDI scores and nutrient dense foods can be found on Dr Joel Fuhrman's website:   https://www.drfuhrman.com/elearning/eat-to-live-blog/128/andi-food-scores-rating-the-nutrient-density-of-foods 


Furhman, J.  (2011).  Super immunity: The essential nutrition guide for boosting your body's defenses to live longer, stronger and disease free.  New York, NY: HarperCollins 

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