Epigenetics, epi what?

Yes, you heard it right. A new field of discovery of proteomics gives us a glimpse of a future focused on wellness, prevention, and individualised medicine. However, today we have enough evidence to enrol in this program that can arrest disease, promote longevity, and quality of life. Before we get excited about it lets dig into the science.
First things first, proteome is derived from a word protein, which is expressed by a genome. Any human being might have more than 2 million proteins within its proteome, with each individual protein carrying out a different function such as defending the body against disease. Here is when a fate is not your destiny because these proteomes change as they are in constant state of dynamic flux. In fact they interact with one another as they bump into each other, with the environment, and an individual’s diet. This is where it gets extra exciting, so may I have your attention please!
Diet affects the most intimate and continuous interaction between a host and its environment during a lifetime. Turns out that a nutritious diet gives more than colour on the plate and some fibrous texture. Whole, plant-based foods have strong medicinal properties that help proteomes catalyse biochemical reactions to defend your body against inflammation and disease.
A single nutrient can switch a number of genes on or off, not just one. Imagine it more like conducting an orchestra than playing an individual instrument. In fact, the discovery of epigenetic effects introduces responsibility into our daily choices affecting how our own gene expression will be manifested and that of future generations.
Changing your diet and lifestyle changes your epigenome, which changes your gene expression and that literally causes your body to be different. That’s great news!
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